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Child Protection Procedure


  • To ensure safe, healthy and fully inclusive school learning environment for all the staff, students and other all possible members in the premises.
  • To raise awareness and identify responsibility in reporting possible cases of abuse; through clear reporting and communicating procedures.
  • To ensure effective incident reporting, identifying the potential hazards and fixing effectively to prevent its reoccurrence.
  • Student, staff and Parent awareness sessions and CPDs to make an effective system of understanding, planning, implementing and reviewing the current procedures.

Policy Principles

  • All children, regardless of age, gender, ability, culture, race, language, religion or sexual identity, have equal rights to protection.
  • Students and staff involved in child protection issues will receive appropriate support.

When to be concerned!!!

  • Has any injury which is not typically associated with the child ’s activities.
  • Frequently has unexplained injuries with or without reasonable or confused explanations are given.
  • Exhibits significant changes in behavior, performance or attitude.
  • Indulges in sexual behavior which is unusually explicit and/or inappropriate to his or her age.
  • Discloses an experience in which he or she may have been harmed.
  • Any incidents/information regarding Physical injury/sexual abuse/emotional abuse/any form of bullying etc… by any students or adults.


Key steps of reporting the Incident

  • The witness should inform the Class teacher/Section Supervisor/ concerned CPO/Health and safety officer immediately and consult with school clinic. Subsequently, necessary arrangements are followed by informing the corresponding individuals.
  • Duly completed incident report will be keeping by Health and Safety officer and copy will be with CPO’s. All information secure and kept with confidentiality.
  • The area of incident is preserved if needed.
  • If the incident is reporting by a parent, it must reach to HSO/CPO via section supervisors.
  • Corrective actions and follow-up will be done in line with school Child Protection & Safeguarding/Health and Safety policies.